The experience of write a blog was very nice for me! In my particular case, I have very difficulty to learn english, speaking and also write. It helped me to improve my skills and learn from my colleagues when reading their blogs. I learned words and grammar (however I should improve more hahahh). Maybe in the future they could add a section when where it's free matter. In the musical world is very important learn english because all important information is in english. The best orchestras and musicians in the world are from all over the world, so we should have a language in common. Asians, chileans, germans, russians, argentinians, frenchs, etc. Also is necessary in watching masterclass videos in internet and meet new people in the world. I hope to continue improving and learn much more!! Maybe if I read books of my interest, but in other language, I would force my self to learn any language. In this last post I would like say that the blog was a good exercise for me and a way...