I remember when I was to concert in Movistar Arena in Santiago. The band was Cultura Profética and I enjoyed it! The concert was in 2014 and I was with a female friend from Valparaiso. Cultura Profética is a reggae band from Puerto Rico and the singer is Willy Rodriguez. They made their debut in 1996 and in 1998 they made their first álbum “Canción de Alerta”. The concert lasted 1 hour and half, but I came in the middle of the concert for listen my favorite songs. The atmosphere in the event was nice, the people were dancing and sing the songs. The musician of the band was very goods! The brass, guitar, bass, chorus sections, drums, all was incredible! The reggae relax me and I not listen often this but I enjoy very much when I do it. Cultura Profética played in Quinta Vergara of Viña del Mar in February, 2015. When the event finished, I meet with friends from Antofagasta! I wish to get back this event!