MY FAVOURITE PIECE OF TECHNOLOGY My favorite piece of technology is my laptop, is very nice. I have not had that many during mi life, 2 in total. It is my favourite because is a piece of technology multifunctional and is used to many things. For example, write, listen to music, watch videos, play videogames, watch news, send messages, make homework, read books, do video calls, etc. AND IS PORTABLE! My first laptop got in 2007 and was a prize of a company. I used it for 6 years and die, but my dad buy other (and in that times was most affordable) and still have it! I use the laptop four or five times in week for watch animé in my free times, make homework and listen music. I believe that is a piece very useful for the communication in the world and do much activities simultaneously. Without it the world would be less connect and I not would like it L